Every year, SAQA members are invited to choose 6 quilts from the SAQA Benefit Auction they would love to own. Kris’s collection was Kind of Blue. Deb’s choices must have been inspired by the heat on the day she curated her dream collection*. It is called Riot of Color. Here’s the way I would hang the pieces:

I thought you might find it interesting to see what I started with.

I kept looking at the quilts, taking different ones out, adding them back in, taking them out…

I thought I had it…

but when I rearranged the photos I had to change them yet again. Here are the final six quilts with the artists’ names and titles.
Clicking on any image will open the slideshow of all the images, and you’ll be able to see the details better.
* Lest you think I was kidding about the heat here’s the temperature as I was driving home. It was 111 when we started.

** I really can count, you’ll see that I had opened one quilt twice. I think it was a sign. I tried to take dear Brenda’s flowers out of the collection several times, but like the Cat in the Hat, it just kept coming back.
The 2015 SAQA Benefit Auction starts September 18. We hope you take a look at all the art available at the 2015 SAQA Benefit Auction and bid on a piece or two!