We know we still have three months to go, but C&T Publishing just listed our upcoming book entitled Furoshiki Fabric Wraps: simple, reusable, beautiful. We couldn’t wait until February to let you all know about it. If you want something new to do with your fabric, you want to use less paper, or just want to create beautiful wraps and bags, this is the book for you. We love it that C&T thought to make project cards so that you can pass along instructions for a particular wrap. It has been an amzaing experience writing the book and working with all the great people at C&T, but the wait is killing us! As we get closer to the publication date, we’ll start filling you in on some of the neat things that happened like . . .

. . . I was looking around the house for props for one of the photo shoots and decided to take a box of my dad’s oranges from his backyard (he was a great gardener) as a little gift for the C&T folks. Well, wouldn’t you know those oranges came in handy as a backdrop to one of the wraps. Nice to know my dad’s gardening got immortalized in some fashion.