I just returned from a fantastic SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) conference in San Antonio, Texas. Along with listening to lots of thought-provoking talks, catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones, I took lots of photographs.

Some of these photos might look odd to you, but for me they’re textures that I might end up putting in a project or using for composition ideas. Look at the close ups of this tree stump in the San Antonio Botanical Gardens.
And this shot of a wall.

Here’s an abstract drawing I had previously made using Photoshop.

Then I started combining it with the newer images to create some interesting patterns.

I could print these designs on fabric and cut them up, stitch them as whole-cloth quilts, or use them as scarves.
If you want to learn to design digitally with Photoshop Elements, join our online class Digital Designing. It’s not too late to sign up. The lessons don’t start until Monday, April 16, 2018. Visit https://www.pixeladies.com/classes/ for more information.
2 responses to “Photographs for Designing”
I’m interested in the class and getting more comfortable with PSE and a Wacom tablet. There’s a newer Bluetooth model on Amazon. Do you recommend it?
The newer model is https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Intuos-Small-Bluetooth-CTL4100WLK0/dp/B079J2FSQ7/ref=dp_ob_title_ce and comes in a medium size for twice as much. What do you advise?