You can dream, too! It’s that time of year when Studio Art Quilt Associates puts on its annual benefit auction, and everyone has a chance to curate their own dream collection. Deb showed hers in an earlier post. Today I am showing you mine! Bidding starts September 13, 2021. You will support SAQA’s exhibitions and outreach with your successful bid.
The Inspiration
My 2020 dream collection was all about pieces that would look great in my new kitchen. This year I was struck by how essential black and white was to some of the available artwork. I am a fan of woodcuts, which are for the most part simply black and white, so you can understand why I gravitated to the pieces I did. Take a look at this self-portrait by Käthe Kollwitz. A woodcut from 1922-23, it is a searing look into the etched sorrows of the artist:

The Collection
I call it “Essentially Black and White.” You can click on the image to enlarge it. Take a look at the artists’ websites, if you have a chance. They tell a lot about each artist’s artistic voice.

Karol Kusmaul – Breezy Girl
That face! Karol’s use of fabrics and her collage effects always astound me.

Linda Colsh – Memory Bank
I’m actually used to seeing most of Linda’s work being mainly black and white, so it was really the wood on the left that made the piece so special to me.

Linda Syverson Guild – Dreamland
The variations found in the background, created with many different black and white fabrics, add to the dreamlike quality of this piece.

Susan Rienzo – Untold Story
I’m a Pixelady – we love texts in quilts! But Susan’s use of asemic writing (abstracted writing with no meaning) really brings home the point of this piece.

Sandra Bruce – Pelican
A variety of fabrics takes center stage to “replicate” the beautiful nature of the bird’s plumage. I just love the subtle variety and the way the fabric squares are sometimes visible, sometimes not.

Melisse Laing – Social Distancing
The void Melisse depicts in this piece is loaded with subtlety and meaning. The curving lines may remind the viewer that the meaning changes under different circumstances.

Paula Dean – I Dare You
Black and white are used here with such expression. Even the irregularly stitched “checks” vibrate with the title’s daring exaltation. But, I have to admit, those green eyes behind the red glasses bring in just enough color to strengthen that dare.

K. Velis Turan – Intersections 16
The asphalt intersections beg the viewer to think of choices, and how our lives change depending on how we proceed through an intersection. Left? Right? Straight ahead?
Useful Links
Here are the links you should keep handy for bidding:
What’s in your 2021 dream collection?